There are plenty of people out there in the world who want to achieve immense wealth.
But while there are those who work towards it, they’re are others who pretend to have it all already, often to their own detriment.
The phrase, “fake it ‘til you make it” rarely applies to wealth.
More than that, pretending to be rich will likely only drive away the various resources you need to elevate your status in the world.
Are you faking your wealth?
Here are 18 dead giveaways that you’re pretending to be rich.
18 Signs Someone is Pretending to Be Rich
#1. Make Fun of People Who Don’t Wear Designer Clothes

Designer clothes are a status symbol among the poor and the middle class.
While rich people do don designer clothes from time to time, it’s not nearly as much of a fixation for those in the upper echelon.
As someone who pretends to be rich, you might not only purchase designed clothes for yourself but make fun of those who don’t wear the same brands you wear.
This is a sign that you care far too much about appearing rich to those around you.
#2. You Have Expensive Things But Can’t Afford to Fix Them
Those who are pretending to be rich often spend their money on things like cars, home appliances, and other products.
The problem?
They’re likely overextending themselves by buying the expensive thing in the first place, a fact that becomes evident once it comes time to make any type of repairs.
If you’re buying things that you can’t afford repair, you’re pretending to be rich and getting things that are way above your means.
#3. You Brag About Your Wealth on Social Media
Flexing on social media is not a new trend.
For as long as social media has existed, people have tried to look cool in order to impress their online friends and gain some sort of fame and following.
This might include taking pictures of a stack of cash, showing off a high-end car, or something else that’s supposed to prove that you’re wealthy.
But if you have to return that car or use that cash at the end of the day, you likely know that you don’t actually have the money to flex in front of others.
#4. You Overshare
Do you share stories about wealth without asking?
It’s a common sign of not actually being rich but pretending to be rich.
Most people aren’t interested in what you have to say and probably know that you aren’t truly rich despite all of the escapades you go on to describe in detail.
#5. You Only Buy High-End Brand Names
Branding is one way that people hook you into spending more money, often unnecessarily.
Rich people preserve their wealth by only investing in brands that are going to support them well into the future. Otherwise, they avoid branding that doesn’t indicate quality.
Only those who want to be rich think that brands matter, aiming to acquire as many brand-name things as they can to show off their wealth.
#6. Talking About How Much Things Cost, Not What You Paid

Do you like to shop for designer at a fraction of the cost? If so, this is just being financially savvy.
A problem only exists when you make a big deal of what you’re wearing and try to insinuate that you paid full price when you really got a bargain and didn’t have to pay the full retail price.
Bragging about cost but not being upfront about what you really had to pay for the items you’ve acquired demonstrates that you care more about how people perceive you rather than just living your life the way you want and not trying to come across as wealthy.
#7. You Always Have The Newest Things
People who want to be rich can’t stand not being the first one to have new releases, whether it’s in regard to this season’s fashion or high-end tech releases, even if it comes at the cost of not having enough money for other essentials.
When status beats your desire to use your money responsibly, you want to pretend to be rich now, not actually become rich later!
#8. Posting Selfies With Things That Aren’t Yours
We’ve all seen it; influencers will post pictures on properties, in front of cars, and with various different types of property to give off the perception of wealth.
If you’ve started to emulate this behavior, you know that you’re blatantly pretending to be rich.
It’s much better to be honest than to get caught and have to explain that none of those things belong to you.
#9. Rely on Credit Cards to Pay For Things
The great thing about credit cards is that you have tons of spending power, even more so when you have a high credit line.
Those who are pretending to be rich will max out their credit cards in order to pay for things that they can’t afford with cash.
If you’re buying things with credit rather than cash, take some time to think about why that it is and if you’re trying to be rich rather than spending responsibly.
#10. They Always Make Excuses
Are you making excuses in your life, such as why you aren’t able to pay your friends back when they cover you?
This is a major red flag and a symptom of pretending to be rich without having any of the cash to back it up.
If you feel as though you’re telling so many lies surrounding money lately that you can’t keep up or are starting to believe them yourself, now is time for a reality check.
#11. You Join a Country Club Just Because

Country clubs are considered the epitome of wealth and elegance.
They’re extremely expensive to join, they have a ton of exclusive amenities, and you’re likely rubbing elbows with either rich or famous people in the area.
That said, it’s not worth blowing your annual income over.
If you recently joined a country club just so you could say you belong to one, you’re pretending to be rich.
#12. You Pretend You’re Doing Everyone a Favor by Paying for Them
Do you pick up the tab for your friends or buy them things, only to hold it over their heads later?
Do you only do this so they think you have money when you’re actually struggling because of your choice to spend cash on them?
People who pretend to be rich will frequently overspend in front of people they’re trying to impress in an effort to maintain the illusion that they’re rolling in dough.
#13. You Make Up Stories About Things You Supposedly Did or Invested in
There are those who tell stories about things that they’ve spent their money on so that they appear richer and there are those who outright lie and give fake unsolicited stories to achieve the same goal.
Not only is this unethical, but it’s dangerous socially if you get caught.
Getting made fun of for having no money and for lying about it will hurt a lot worse than the perceived pain of simply not having the cash that you believe you should have at this point.
#14. You’re a Name-Dropper
People who pretend to be rich also love to pretend to be relevant.
It’s not enough to have a high net worth, you also need to know people.
As such, you may drop the names of people you may vaguely know or have met at conventions or various places.
It can sound pretentious and would make people want to avoid you, as they probably know it’s all a facade when these names keep getting dropped.
#15. You Constantly Flake Out on Plans
It’s not easy trying to pretend to be rich.
In fact, you may run out of money faster than you anticipate.
When your richer circle of friends invites you to a place you wouldn’t be able to afford normally, you may flake out on plans in order to save face so you don’t get caught not having enough money to keep up with them.
This is common among those who pretend to be rich, and it’s a situation that’s not desirable for anyone.
#16. You Pretend You’ll Be Attending or Purchasing Things You Can’t Afford
Are you constantly saying what you’re going to buy next?
Are you talking about exclusive events that you’re going to attend? Do you fail to do any of it?
If the answer is a resounding “yes”, you’re probably just pretending to be rich without having the money needed to follow through on these supposed plans.
#17. You Can’t Host Your Friends at Your Place
Your friends probably invite you over to their place because they’re proud of their abode and they know that it will be able to meet expectations.
But what happens when everyone invites you to their home or their bungalow and they start to realize that you’ve never brought them over to where you live?
Most people catch on quickly as not being able to host others despite constantly flaunting wealth is a sign of pretending to be wealthy.
#18. You Constantly Forget Your Wallet
Those who would love to be rich will talk about all the money they have been then regularly forget their wallets when they go out with their friends.
Your friends might cover you at first, but they’ll gradually come to realize that you’re not paying on purpose.
You can only pull this off for so long before they realize you have no money to spend on your various get-togethers.
I have over 15 years experience in the financial services industry and 20 years investing in the stock market. I have both my undergrad and graduate degrees in Finance, and am FINRA Series 65 licensed and have a Certificate in Financial Planning.
Visit my About Me page to learn more about me and why I am your trusted personal finance expert.
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